BBNCExtensions.API.DataObjects Namespace

  Class Description
Public class Address
Specifies fields used in storing and accessing constituent address information.
Public class AttributeCollection
Base class for attribute collections, used by Profile data object to house the Constituent Attributes. Only attribute types that have been mapped in the CMS System Options will exist in this collection.
Public class AttributeItem
Specifies the fields used to store and access information about an attribute item.
Public class AttributeValue
Used to store and access the type and value of an attribute.
Public class BioIndividual
Profile fields specific to Individual constituents
Public class BioOrganization
Profile fields specific to Organization constituents
Public class Business
Profile fields used to store a constituent's business information.
Public class CodeTableEntry
Specifies fields used to store and retrive code table entry information as used by the methods in the API.Utility.CodeTables class.
Public class Education
This data object contains the data for one Education Relationship record.
Public class Profile
This class holds the Constituent data that is saved in profile update transactions and retrieved in order to display Constituent profile information.
Public class SecureAddress
Specifies fields used to store and retrive secure payment address information as used by the methods in the API.Utility.SecurePayments class.
Public class SecurePaymentTransaction
Specifies fields used to store and retrive secure payment transaction information as used by the methods in the API.Utility.SecurePayments class.
Public class SecureTransactionInfo
Public class TimeZone
Fields used to store and retrieve time zone information as used by the methods in the API.Utility.TimeZones class.